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Installing crown molding

A guide to installing crown molding in your home

By: Editor

Here are some important tips for installing crown molding. Some of the challenges you may face include making corners fit tightly, keeping the molding straight, and finding solid nailing spots. If you plan to paint the molding, you can bet with a miter box and a handsaw; but for speed and accuracy, use a power miter saw.

Buy your molding first. Buy lengths that will span each side of the room. Add several inches to allow enough material for miters. Sand and paint or stain the molding before installation. It's best to cut the outside corners first, because they're the most visible and are the hardest to fit. Once you've installed the outside miters you can precede around the room.

Mark the location of the studs and ceiling joists before installation. If the joist runs parallel to the wall, screw a cant block to the wall to provide a solid nailing surface. Make a template to mark the location of the crown: Measure the bearing point by positioning a scrap of molding on a framing square; then nail together a guide to match.

To cut crown molding, you need to think upside down: Place it upside down in your miter box as if the fence were the wall. Most outside corners are not precisely square. Test each corner with a piece of scrap before cutting your molding. To help the front edge fit tightly, undercut the molding slightly. Don't worry if you trim the molding a little short...the gap will be hidden by the next coped section.

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