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Choosing color scheme

Choosing color scheme combinations will add warmth and contrast to any room

By: Editor
Website: https://www.all-homeinteriordesigns.com

You’re analyzed your room, you’re determined how you want it to function, and you’d like to make it restful and soothing. One way you can organize is with colors, patterns, and textures. Add and remove things as you experiment with different looks, colors, and prints, and be certain to review your choices in the room where you will be using them at different times of day, under both natural and artificial lighting conditions.

For example, a print sample that you’re considering for the wall will be quite large, whereas an accent color will take up far less space. Certain materials carry various effects into a living space. In flooring materials, for example, ceramic tile may perform well in a kitchen setting but not as effectively in a living room.

Keep in mind that texture also affects pattern and color. With fabrics, texture can either soften or enhance a pattern. Every room has an existing element of texture; a stone fireplace, brass hardware, a gleaming hardwood floor, a stuccoed wall, or a tile border, that you may want to take into consideration when planning your design.

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Choosing color scheme

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