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Organic gardening

Organic gardening is growing fruits and vegetables, without the use of drugs

By: Roger King
Website: https://www.all-homeinteriordesigns.com

Organic gardening is growing fruits and vegetables, without the use of drugs, hormones, or synthetic chemicals.

By growing and alternating a wide variety of plants, you can improve the environment and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Many gardeners are looking for ways to reduce the use of chemicals and rely on more natural and inexpensive means of providing food.

Successful organic vegetable gardening requires consideration of many factors, including garden nutrients, weed control, seed and plant choice, chemical issues, pest management, and disease management.

Organic gardening and farming can be done in your back yard, front yard, or in a greenhouse. Rotations are the first and best way to prevent insect problems. The real secret is a basic understanding of how nature works.

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