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Loading a truck

Loading a truck properly is guarantee to have little to no damaged items

By: Roger King
Website: https://www.all-homeinteriordesigns.com

When working with helpers make sure someone is in charge of the loading arrangement. It often works best to have the brains of the group on the truck doing the actual stacking and arranging while others bring things into the truck. Start by building a wall of tightly packed boxes at the front of the truck. Place the strongest, heaviest boxes at the bottom. If the truck has an upper niche, fill that first.

As much as possible stack boxes that are the same width and length on top of each other. Use rope or straps to hold the walls in place. With the walls of boxes in place, add some heavy items and pieces that are large or odd shapes. Put to good use any voids, like the areas beneath the stacked chairs and the table. Use the height of the truck as much as possible.

Mattresses and box springs can be used to protect fragile pictures or wood shelves and tabletops. Because you cannot stack very heavy objects on top of them, it usually works best to place them upright. Place fragile, slim objects between a mattress and box spring or next to the truck wall.

Complete the loading by adding tall and heavy objects along the sides of the truck, securing them with straps. Place lighter boxes and objects highest. Place top-load items highest of all and secure them from moving around. Fill in with more boxes and tie then off.

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